Church of Saint Christopher of Nogueira - Rota do Românico

The Church of Saint Christopher of Nogueira is included in the set of buildings classified as late Romanesque, although the traces reused in the current structure, such as the frieze on the north side, near the bell tower, indicate a transition between the 12th and the 13th centuries.

Its deployment, halfway up the hillside, respects the canonical orientation, thus extending longitudinally on two planes: the nave, larger, with the façade facing west, and the chancel, smaller, with the chevet facing east. The main and side portals are especially noteworthy.

The former falls within the thickness of the wall, with no columns, but whose archivolts are adorned by the pearls motif.

The south side portal draws our attention to the originality of its décor: two clenched fists placed on the lines of ashlars hold a key and the ceiling heights feature symbolic or decorative motifs, such as a lizard.

The inside is distinctly Baroque, highlighting the sectioned ceiling with polychrome wood with 71 hagiographic panels [the life of the saints].

It features five altarpieces [altars] (the mor [main], two lateral and two co-lateral) that are included in the various types of Baroque, from the “National” to the “Johannine style”.

Tipologia: Church

Classificação: Submitted to classification

Percurso: Douro Valley

1070 - First known reference to the land of São Salvador;

1258 - References to São Salvador de Nogueira and São Cristóvão de Nogueira appear simultaneously;

1527 - In the Numeramento there is a reference to the municipality of São Cristóvão de Nogueira with six villages and 134 residents;

1739 - In the Descripçam corografica do Reyno de Portugal, the parish of São Cristóvão shows up with 420 dwellings and 1303 inhabitants;

1778-1794 - Period of documented works on the structure and integrated heritage;

20th century - Reference to occasional works and interventions in the Church's building.

2010 - Integration of the Church of Saint Christopher of Nogueira in the Route of the Romanesque;

2014-2015 - Works for the general conservation of the Church, mostly at the levels of the roofs and external walls, under the scope of the Route of the Romanesque.

Saint Christopher – 25th July

By appointment

Sunday - 11 am

Monument fully or partly accessible to visitors with reduced mobility.

+351 255 810 706

+351 918 116 488

Como chegar:

41.073525, -8.129037

Av. Dr. Reinaldo Flórido Calheiros, São Cristóvão de Nogueira, Cinfães, Viseu

Northern Portugal: A28/A3/A24/A7/A11 » A4 (Vila Real) » Marco de Canaveses » Cinfães » Rota Românico/Igreja de São Cristóvão de Nogueira.

Porto: A4 (Vila Real) » Marco de Canaveses » Cinfães » Rota Românico/Igreja de São Cristóvão de Nogueira.

Central/Southern Portugal: A1 (Porto)/ A29 (V.N. Gaia) » A41 CREP » A4 (Vila Real) » Marco de Canaveses » Cinfães » Rota Românico/Igreja de São Cristóvão de Nogueira.

Cinfães: N222 Castelo de Paiva » Rota Românico/Igreja de São Cristóvão de Nogueira.

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