Rosa Ferreira - Rota do Românico

Mrs. Rosa, or Rosinha as she is usually called, has always had a great passion for church activities. Besides opening Mancelos Monastery to visitors, she has been its carer since the late 1970s, a reader and a member of the choir. She has also been a catechist.
The most emotional moment of her life at Mancelos Monastery was her solemn communion, on a day marked by the unforgettable words of the parish priest.
She says that visitors, foreign and national, admire the Romanesque features found in Mancelos. She also says that people have accepted well the integration of the Monastery into the Route of the Romanesque, as it was quite 'positive, even the construction works ... if it wasn't for the Route of the Romanesque, they would never have been done.' She confesses that she has been learning a lot, and sharing that knowledge with her family and neighbours.

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