Rosa Carvalho - Rota do Românico

Mrs. Rosinha, as she is affectionately known, has a long and strong family connection to Travanca Monastery. She has been the church's carer since 1976, when she 'inherited' an altar that had already been looked after by her grandmother, who even cooked the soup for lunch for workers involved in building works at the Monastery. Her grandfather was the parish sexton for 50 years. Her father was born in the house opposite the Monastery.
Mrs. Rosinha is also a member of the choir and the reading group, in addition to ensuring that the church is open to visitors, among other activities.
She is also proud of her family's connection to writer Agustina Bessa-Luís (1922-2019). Her grandmother was the writer's wet nurse and two of her relatives were her godchildren.
She also remembers painter and sculptor Acácio Lino (1878-1956), born in Travanca and buried in the cemetery next to the Monastery, after whom the local primary school where Mrs. Rosinha works was named.

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