Dulce Pereira - Rota do Românico

Mrs. Dulce has been the carer of the Church of Saint Martin of Mouros since the late 1990s. She goes almost every day to her Church. She tells us that, when she was a little girl, she used to accompany the carer in his tasks in the Church.
After his death, and at a time when the church was more abandoned, the parish priest asked her to remove the dried flowers, as they were going to receive an excursion. It was then that she decided to take on this position, confessing that it was 'a calling.'
She loves to receive visitors and whenever they come she opens the door. She reveals that she receives many foreign tourists and that she finds it difficult to talk to them. She recognises that the fact that the Church joined the Route of the Romanesque was very positive, because we are very fond of our village and we like to welcome people, adding: 'I've already learned a lot.'

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