Carolina Monteiro - Rota do Românico

Aunt Lina, as she is affectionately known, has been the carer of Ancede Monastery since the mid-1980s.
Since she was a little girl, she has had a strong connection to this monument. She lived in a neighbouring parish, but came to Ancede every Sunday for mass with her father and siblings: 'It took us 30 minutes to get here on foot, rain or shine!.'
She was an altar server for ten years and, after she got married, she gladly accepted the responsibility of looking after the altars. In addition, she cleans the Church and helps preparing the Eucharist whenever necessary.
One of the most memorable moments at the Monastery was the wedding of her youngest daughter, which she recalls with a lot of emotion.
She says that this Monastery is very special because it has a relic - the skull of a monk. Amusingly, she recalls episodes with the technicians of the Route of the Romanesque, and says that: 'when they come here, I take the opportunity to listen to them ... I like to learn new things.'

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