Mural painting - Rota do Românico

Mural painting

Many of the religious buildings on the Route of the Romanesque have sets or traces of mural paintings dating from the 15th to the 18th centuries. After a guided tour of the Interpretation Centres, it's time for a fresco painting workshop...

Tipo de Atividade: Visit + workshop

Destinatários: Primary School

Data: During the school year

Local: Centres of the Romanesque (Lousada) or Romanesque Sculpture (Penafiel)

Duração: 2h00

Lotação: 10 participants (minimum) / 25 participants (maximum)

Preço: 3€/participant

Marcação: Aceda ao formulário de inscrição aqui.


All activities of the Educational Service of the Route of the Romanesque are subject to previous and mandatory booking.

The booking of the activity will only be considered valid upon confirmation via e-mail by the Educational Service of the Route of the Romanesque.

Bookings must be requested at least 10 working days in advance and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Should you not be able to participate in the activity, please let us know at least 48 hours in advance.

Each group of 10 students must be accompanied by a teacher.

Transportation to and from the activity's location is the responsibility of the school/institution/participant(s).

To make it easier to welcome the participants and carry out the activity, the group should arrive at least 10 minutes in advance. A delay of over 15 minutes may lead to the cancellation of the activity.

These activities may be subject to changes for unavoidable or unforeseen reasons.

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