Ver do Bago in the NorteShopping - Rota do Românico

Ver do Bago in the NorteShopping


The Route of the Romanesque is the protagonist and co-author of this journey in which the territory is the idea and culture the instrument, proposing a cycle of three exhibitions that celebrate the material and symbolic relationship between the vine and the cultural and human landscape of the Sousa, Douro and Tâmega valleys.

Ver do Bago nos Mosteiros is on display at the Monastery of Santo André de Ancede, until September 12th, but it takes to the city, between June 10th and 25th, to Praça Central of the NorteShopping, in Matosinhos, an installation that recreates some of the passages exhibited in Baião. Admission is free.

The first exhibition of this cycle, called Ver do Bago nos Mosteiros (View of Bago in the Monasteries), invites us, from the Monastery of Ancede, in Baião, to celebrate a veritable toast between God and Men centred around the dialogue between sculpture, painting and archaeology , in an interpretative route that shows the importance that the culture of the vine and the consumption of wine had in every moment of these people's lives.

Now, at NorteShopping, the installation, consisting of pieces that invite you to participate in immersive interactive experiences and the reading of historical, scientific and literary content, explores the ancestral relationship between wine and art in the territory of the Route of the Romanesque.

The exhibition's centerpiece is "O Códice", a large-scale book, with interactive video mapping, and to it are also added sculptural pieces that refer to sensory experiences and informative panels to transmit the contents.

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