Study on the Internationalisation of the Route of the Romanesque for the Asian Market - Rota do Românico

Study on the Internationalisation of the Route of the Romanesque for the Asian Market


In a global context marked by a strong competition, we need to outline the best strategies to reach emerging international markets outside Europe. Entering and being present in these tourist markets offers countless opportunities, but it also gives rise to new challenges.

So, on Monday 20 January, at 2:30 pm, at the Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque, in Lousada, we will present the "Study on the Internationalisation of the Route of the Romanesque for the Asian Market". Admission is free upon registration.

By sharing information and practical advice, this study aims to support the development of an action plan focused on attracting tourists from three rapidly-expanding Asian countries - China, South Korea and Japan -, as well as to promote a proactive strategy to integrate the Route of the Romanesque into new networks and projects that allow streamlining internationalisation processes, capable of enhancing the visibility, recognition and economic profitability of the Route.

The "Study on the Internationalisation of the Route of the Romanesque for the Asian Market" is co-financed by Norte 2020, Portugal 2020 and European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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