Route of the Romanesque launches a geocaching network - Rota do Românico

Route of the Romanesque launches a geocaching network


Route of the Romanesque completed the project of a geocaching network, with the installation of 31 geocaches in its monuments and interpretation centres.

Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity, done in groups or individually, whose goal is to find georeferenced containers (the geocaches), hidden in public places, using a global positioning system (GPS) device, such as a simple mobile phone.

The experiences of this "treasure hunt" are shared online, on social networks and on the platform, where all the available geocaches are published, as well as the clues to their location.

In recent years, this challenging activity has attracted a growing number of enthusiasts worldwide. In Portugal, there are currently around 53 thousand practitioners registered and there are more than 43 thousand active geocaches.

Geocaching is presented like this, as an interesting tool and a complementary "pretext" to discover and explore the heritage assets of the Route of the Romanesque and its area of influence.

The project of the Route of the Romanesque geocaching network, available since last July, was developed by a team of the Centre of Geography and Spatial Planning Studies of the University of Coimbra, and already counts 550 "found" recorded on the platform.

The Route of the Romanesque geocaching network is framed in the EEC (Collective Efficiency Strategies) PROVERE Tourism for Everyone project: Enhancing, stimulating and promoting tourism in the region, co-financed by Norte 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union.

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