Route of the Romanesque wins European competition - Rota do Românico

Route of the Romanesque wins European competition


The Route of the Romanesque's project 'Cuidadores do Património' (Heritage Carers) one of the 11 winners of the 'European Heritage Days Stories 2020' competition, promoted by the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

Until March next year, we will organise various activities (meetings, news stories, publications...) with the aim of discovering and valuing the role of all those who, in a passionate way, are responsible for opening, protecting and disseminating the cultural heritage of the Route of the Romanesque.

Currently, the Route of the Romanesque relies on the help of 44 heritage carers, distributed among the various chapels, churches and monasteries on its itinerary. People who have been proudly keeping, monitoring and sharing the stories of their monument, in a true commitment to personal and family life.

Stories like that of Dona Rosinha, who has been caring for the church of the old Monastery of Travanca, in Amarante, for 44 years, or that of Dona Maria Odete and her sister Conceição, who have been playing a similar role for 14 years at the Chapel of Fandinhães, in Marco de Canaveses.

The 'European Heritage Stories' competition, which has been held annually since 2018 (European Year of Cultural Heritage), gathers testimonies from citizens and communities, with the mission of advancing knowledge of Europe's cultural heritage, strengthening the feeling of belonging to a common European space.

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