Route of the Romanesque sets a new visit record - Rota do Românico

Route of the Romanesque sets a new visit record


In 2019, the Route of the Romanesque has set a new visit record, with more than 15 thousand registered visitors. The majority (85%) of the visitors continue to be Portuguese.

This number of visitors does not include all those (and there will be many) who, in an independent way, visited the 58 monuments of the touristic-cultural itinerary materialised by the Route of the Romanesque.

Last year, the Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque in Lousada, inaugurated at the end of September 2018, received about 9 thousand visitors, of more than 20 nationalities, standing out as a catalyst and structuring factor of the visits to the Route of the Romanesque.

Since its public presentation in 2008, the Route of the Romanesque has already registered more than 130 thousand visitors.

The Route of the Romanesque comprises 58 monuments, located in 12 municipalities (Amarante, Baião, Castelo de Paiva, Celorico de Basto, Cinfães, Felgueiras, Lousada, Marco de Canaveses, Paços de Ferreira, Paredes, Penafiel and Resende) of the Sousa, Douro and Tâmega valleys, in northern Portugal.

The main intervention areas of the Route of the Romanesque include scientific research, heritage conservation, cultural promotion, heritage education and tourism promotion.

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