Route of the Romanesque on RTP - Rota do Românico

Route of the Romanesque on RTP


The second episode of the show "Turismo em Rede", on RTP1, will be dedicated to the Route of the Romanesque and broadcast live from Praça das Pocinhas, near the Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque, in Lousada, on 20th August, Tuesday, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:15 pm to 5:30 pm.

"Turismo em Rede" is an RTP project in partnership with Turismo de Portugal, aimed at revealing routes, landscapes and hidden gems of inland Portugal, from north to south, over 8 episodes broadcast during the summer.

The show dedicated to the Route of the Romanesque will focus on different areas of intervention of this tourist-cultural project, from heritage conservation to tourist promotion, from scientific research to the dissemination of knowledge, from cultural promotion to heritage education.

There will also be an emphasis on gastronomy, "vinho verde", regional products, handicrafts and a series of tourist and cultural entertainment activities developed in the territory of the Route of the Romanesque, which currently covers 12 municipalities of the Sousa, Douro and Tâmega valleys.

You can also watch the show, hosted by Joana Teles, Hélder Reis and Isabel Angelino, on RTP Play.

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