Restoration works at the Church of Saint Nicholas and the Chapel of Saint Lazarus - Rota do Românico

Restoration works at the Church of Saint Nicholas and the Chapel of Saint Lazarus


The Route of the Romanesque and Marco de Canaveses City Council carried out conservation and restoration works at the Church of Saint Nicholas and the Chapel of Saint Lazarus.

Between 2013 and 2015, the Church of Saint Nicholas underwent an extensive intervention to preserve its roofs, external walls, and altarpieces. Nearby, the roofs of the Chapel of Saint Lazarus were renovated in early 2019.

The work campaign that covered these two monuments, listed since 1971 as Buildings of Public Interest, was completed in the last semester, with the conservation and restoration of the Saint Nicholas mural paintings and the Saint Lazarus altarpiece.

In the case of the Church of Saint Nicholas, the target of the works were the fresco paintings on the nave, discovered accidentally in 1973. These include a panel depicting Saint Anthony, on the north wall, which dates back to the 15th century and is therefore one of the oldest frescos in the Route of the Romanesque.

On the same wall there are fragments of an angel and a figure kneeling in prayer (from the 16th century) and on the south wall, there are depictions of a Benedictine abbot and Saint Catherine of Alexandria (both from the 16th century), as well as an Annunciation (perhaps from the 18th century).

In the Chapel of Saint Lazarus, the intervention covered the treatment of a small gilded altarpiece with a painting depicting Jesus Christ on canvas and a polychrome wood sculpture of Saint Lazarus.

The aforementioned interventions were carried out under the technical supervision of the Regional Directorate for Culture of Northern Portugal and represented a total investment of around € 33,000, 90% co-financed by Turismo de Portugal and the other 10% by the Marco de Canaveses City Council, as part of the "Route of the Romanesque Heritage Enhancement" operation, submitted by the Sousa Valley Municipality Association (the entity that manages the Route of the Romanesque) to the programme "Valorizar - Linha de Apoio à Valorização Turística do Interior".

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