Public tender for the tourist operation of the Monastery of Travanca - Rota do Românico

Public tender for the tourist operation of the Monastery of Travanca


The public tender for the concession of the operation of the Monastery of the Saviour of Travanca (Amarante), a National Monument integrated into the Route of the Romanesque, runs until 21 November.

This procedure, launched under the REVIVE Program, is aimed at carrying out construction works in the Monastery to prepare it for its subsequent operation for tourist purposes, so it can house a hotel, a local accommodation unit or another tourism-related project.

The monastery will be leased for 50 years for a minimum annual rent of 21,600 euros.

The building has a total gross building area of about 4,248.96 m² (excluding the parish church, the ante-sacristy and the sacristy), where an estimated 60 bedrooms can be installed.

The notice and the documents of the procedure (tender programme and specifications) are available on the REVIVE Programme's website.

The Monastery of the Saviour of Travanca is one of the 33 properties covered by the first phase of REVIVE, a joint programme of the Ministries of Economy, Culture and Finance with the collaboration of local authorities, aimed at enhancing and recovering unused heritage, reinforcing the attractiveness of regional destinations, and developing the country's various regions.

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