Marco de Canaveses: conservation works - Rota do Românico

Marco de Canaveses: conservation works


The Route of the Romanesque will promote conservation and safeguarding works in the Bridge of Arco and the Chapel of Saint Lazarus, in order to enhance their cultural and tourist potential.

In the case of the Bridge of Arco, located in the parish of Várzea, Aliviada e Folhada, the works will mainly seek to correct structural problems, which will involve the partial dismantling of the arch, platform and joints.

The Bridge's flagging, parapets and walls will be reformulated and the "alminhas" (shrines) will undergo cleaning and conservation works.

The aforementioned works will be monitored by the Professional School of Archaeology of Freixo, Marco de Canaveses.

The intervention in the Bridge of Arco, listed as Public Interest Building in 1982 and integrated into the Route of the Romanesque since 2010, will require an investment of around 171,000 euros, including costs with the construction project, technical assistance, security coordination, archaeological works, and conservation and safeguarding works.

In the case of the Chapel of Saint Lazarus, located next to the Church of Saint Nicholas of Canaveses, in the parish of Marco, the planned works include the renovation of the roofs of the Chapel with the construction of a new ceramic tile cladding, and will also include the rehabilitation of the existing woodwork, and the construction of a new roof on the porch.

The conservation works in the Chapel of Saint Lazarus, also listed as Public Interest Building (since 1971), are due to be completed by the end of the year and require an investment of about 24,000 euros.

The aforementioned interventions at the Bridge of Arco and Chapel of Saint Lazarus correspond to a total investment of about 195 thousand euros, 90% co-financed by Turismo de Portugal and 10% by the Municipality of Marco de Canaveses, within the scope of the "Route of the Romanesque Heritage Development", presented by the Association of Municipalities of Vale do Sousa to the Valorizar Program - Support Line for Tourist Development in Inland Portugal.

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