Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque wins 2019 APOM Awards - Rota do Românico

Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque wins 2019 APOM Awards



The Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque, promoted by the Route of the Romanesque, won the 2019 Awards Portuguese Association of Museology (APOM), in the "Museographic Work", "Management and Multimedia App" and "Film" categories. It also received an honourable mention in the "Best Museum of the Year" category.

The award ceremony was held today, May 24, at the Miguel Franco Theatre, in Leiria.

The Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque opened to the public on 27 September 2018, in the town of Lousada, and has already received more than 10 thousand visitors.

It consists of an exhibition area with 650 square meters, divided into six thematic rooms, in a building fully designed from scratch, and is established as a privileged gateway to the journey of discovery of the Route of the Romanesque and its territory of influence, as well as the of the artistic and symbolic expressions that have marked Portugal and Europe, from the Middle Ages to the present.

The APOM Awards aim to encourage and distinguish the Portuguese agents and institutions in the area of museology and heritage, giving visibility to their work.

In 2013, the Route of the Romanesque's promotional merchandise was also distinguished by the APOM Awards.

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