Interpretation Centre of Romanesque Sculpture - Rota do Românico

Interpretation Centre of Romanesque Sculpture


The works to adapt the building of the Interpretation Centre of Romanesque Sculpture (CIER) in Abragão (Penafiel) to accommodate a museographic exhibition began in November and are expected to continue until the end of the first quarter of 2019.

The aforementioned works correspond to an investment of around 153 thousand euros, 85% co-financed by European funds (2014/2020 Regional Operational Program for Northern Portugal) and 15% by the Municipality of Penafiel, within the scope of the operation "Route of the Romanesque: Heritage, Culture and Tourism" presented by the Association of Municipalities of Vale do Sousa.

At the same time, the museographic contents that will be displayed in the 300 square meters of the CIER's exhibition area are currently being designed and developed. Those contents, including multimedia equipment and furniture, will be installed once the construction works are completed.

The unexpected archaeological discovery, in 2006, of nearly 70 stone elements with Romanesque decorations in the vicinity of the Church of Saint Peter of Abragão, Penafiel, was at the origin of the creation of the CIER, at the initiative of the Route of the Romanesque.

The partial and hypothetical reconstitution of the portal and the rosette of the main façade of the Church, based on the aforementioned stone elements, is the driving force behind the museographic project of this interpretation centre.

The CIER represents a total investment (studies, projects, contracting, museography...) of around 1.1 million euros, 85% co-financed by European funds, through the 2007/2013 (ON.2 - O Novo Norte) and 2014/2020 (Norte 2020) Regional Operational Programs for Northern Portugal.

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