CETS, the Route of the Romanesque and the Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism prepare initiatives to support tourism - Rota do Românico

CETS, the Route of the Romanesque and the Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism prepare initiatives to support tourism


The Tâmega and Sousa Business Council (CETS), the Route of the Romanesque and the Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism have signed a partnership, formalised on 24 February 2022, with a view to supporting the tourist sector.

One of the first initiatives will be the promotion of training courses that contribute to the qualification of tourism professionals and, consequently, for higher-quality indexes of this sector in the Tâmega and Sousa region.

Initially, these training courses, which will take place at the Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque, in Lousada, will cover two theme-based areas of intervention - Technical English and Technical Spanish; two of the initiatives are planned to take place during working hours and two outside working hours, being provided by trainers identified by the Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism. You can formalise your expression of interest here.

These training initiatives are part of the Social Inclusion and Employment Operational Programme, co-funded by Portugal 2020 and the European Union through the European Social Fund.

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