Ver do Bago no Sangue - Rota do Românico

Ver do Bago no Sangue

De 25-02-2022 a 26-06-2022

Lousada - Exhibitions

Centro de Interpretação do Românico

Praça das Pocinhas, 107, Lousada, Porto

41.278565, -8.283353

+351 255 810 706

+351 918 116 488


Tuesday to Sunday: 10 am to 6 pm.
Closed on Mondays and April 17th and May 1st.

Ver do Bago, a toast between God and Man

The Route of the Romanesque is the protagonist and co-author of this journey in which the territory is the idea and culture the instrument, proposing a cycle of three exhibitions that celebrate the material and symbolic relationship between the vine and the cultural and human landscape of the Sousa, Douro and Tâmega valleys.

From May 2021 until now, the Route of the Romanesque has promoted a trinity of events that have taken us and will still take us to Ver do Bago: slowly and engaging all five senses. We began with Ver do Bago nos Mosteiros, in Ancede, Baião, followed then, in September, by Ver do Bago nos Santos , in the Church of Capuchins, in Penafiel. We have now arrived at the Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque (CIR) in Lousada, to continue an immersive experience that shows us how the vineyard, the wine, the territory, the divine and the people are interconnected — Ver do Bago no Sangue (watch video).

Between 25 February and 26 June, Ver do Bago no Sangue, at the CIR, closes this cycle of three exhibitions on a high note, showing us how we need to drink to live and live to see, because we need to know where we come from and see it first hand to then narrate it. And, above all, how we need to view it calmly, to delight and be delighted.

In this final presentation — besides being able to revisit the two previous exhibitions in an immersive experience, provided by 3D glasses, of the video mapping that brings to life figures from beyond and from the digital book, that allows us to be readers and authors of long-standing iconographies — we will flow into the metaphor of wine as blood that leads us to the artistic representation of sculpture, painting and goldsmithery, present in the furniture, in the liturgical ornaments and objects, from the tabernacles duly kept in the altarpieces of our churches, to the crosses that elevate our processions and the chalices that give Holy communion to our humanity.

Exhibition: Ver do Bago no Sangue.

Promoter: Route of the Romanesque.

Place: Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque (CIR), in Lousada.

GPS: 41°16'43.5"N 8°17'00.8"W

Admission: February 25 - March 6, free; March 7- June 26, CIR admission price only.

Video: See here.

Guided tour (min-max): 05-20 participants.

Partners: Diocese do Porto, Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte, Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes, Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte, Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal, Confraria do Vinho Verde, Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico and TRANSROMANICA.

Co-funding: Norte 2020, Portugal 2020 and European Union.

Technical details: Complete.

Where to eat: See here.

What to see and do: See here.

Where to sleep: See here.

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