Heritage Carers - Traveling exhibition - Rota do Românico

Heritage Carers - Traveling exhibition

De 02-12-2022 a 22-01-2023

Resende - Exhibitions

Museu Municipal de Resende

Rua Dr. Amadeu Sargaço, Resende

41.104475, -7.959298

Traveling photographic exhibition Heritage Carers | CALENDAR:
05/03/2022: Centro de Interpretação da Cultura Local, Castelo de Paiva;
10/03 07/04/2022: Emergente – Centro Cultural, Marco de Canaveses;
22/04 22/05/2022: Museu Municipal, Penafiel;
03/06 18/07/2022: Museu Municipal do Móvel, Paços de Ferreira;
01/08 31/08/2022: Casa da Cultura, Paredes;
10/09 01/10/2022: Biblioteca Municipal Albano Sardoeira - Pólo de Vila Meã, Amarante;
22/01/2023: Museu Municipal, Resende.

The photos, by Luís Barbosa, highlight, in an intimate tone, the affectionate relationships that unite these people of various ages to the heritage of the Route of the Romanesque.

Luís Barbosa was born in Porto in 1975, and since 2001 he has been framing everyday life in photographic images more intensely. After completing his course at the Portuguese Institute of Photography (Porto), in 2003, he has been working as a freelancer and, since 2007, he has been a trainer at that institution.

The Route of the Romanesque has established 18 October as Heritage Carer day. First celebrated in 2020, this unprecedented initiative in Portugal aims to honour all those who, in a dedicated and unconditional way, look after and cherish our monuments, also constituting an invaluable living memory of the place.

The project Heritage Carers was one of the 11 winners of the 'European Heritage Days Stories 2020' competition, promoted by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. In May 2022, won the TRANSROMANICA and APOM (Innovation and Creativity category) prizes.

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