Church of Saint Mammes of Vila Verde - Rota do Românico

The oldest document ever to mention the Church of Saint Mammes of Vila Verde dates back to 1220, by which time it had already integrated the patronage of the Monastery of Saint Mary of Pombeiro. Renovations of the Church, probably carried out in the 14th century, are attributed to the brother and sister Martim and Ana Anes, whose tombs may be found inside the Church.

The Church was built in the Romanesque style, as can be seen in the plant and the façades.

However, the arrangement of the portals and the resort to the clean modillions link this monument to a period in which the Gothic style was already dominant.

The chancel exhibits traces of mural painting, dated from the 16th century, featuring botanic and geometric motifs. It is also possible to identify the images of Saint Benedict and Saint Bernard.

This painting would have been done by the artisan Arnaus, under patronage of the abbots of Pombeiro connected to the Melo family, whose coat of arms is still visible today.

The construction of a new parish Church in Vila Verde in the second half of the 19th century contributed towards the continuing abandonment and decay of the Church of Saint Mammes.

This monument was fully renovated as part of the project Route of the Romanesque.

Tipologia: Church

Classificação: Public Interest Monument - 2012

Percurso: Sousa Valley

1220 - Registration of the parish and Church of Saint Mammes of Vila Verde;

1258 - D. Mendo de Sousa settles in the place of Vila Verde, according to the "Inquirições" [administrative enquiries] of 1258;

1301 (Feb. 20th) - Donation of the Quintã of Vila Verde to the Monastery of Pombeiro by Martim Anes and his sister Maria Anes;

14th century - Rebuilding of the Church;

16th century - Interior remodelling, changes to the chevet and mural painting campaigns;

18th century - Construction of the sacristy;

1866 - Construction of the new parish Church of Vila Verde;

19th century - Abandonment of the temple;

20th century (1940s) - Transferring of the graves to the new parish cemetery;

1959 - The Church had already lost its roof;

1998 - The Church of Saint Mammes of Vila Verde is included in the Route of the Romanesque of Vale do Sousa;

2004/2006 - Construction works, under the responsibility of the DREMN – Direção Regional de Edifícios e Monumentos do Norte [North Regional General Directorate for Buildings and Monuments], under the scope of the Route of the Romanesque of Vale do Sousa;

2015 - Works for the general conservation of the Church, under the scope of the Route of the Romanesque;

2017 (August 12) - Dedication of the altar by the Bishop of Porto, D. António Francisco dos Santos.

Saint Mammes – 17th August

By appointment

Saturday - 5:15 pm

Monument not accessible to visitors with reduced mobility.

+351 255 810 706

+351 918 116 488

Como chegar:

41.304822, -8.181841

Rua de S. Mamede, Vila Verde, Felgueiras, Porto

Northern Portugal: A28/A3/A7/A24/A4 » A11 (Felgueiras) » Caíde » N15 Lixa » Rota do Românico/Igreja de Vila Verde.

Porto: A4 (Vila Real) » A11 (Felgueiras) » Caíde » N15 Lixa » Rota do Românico/Igreja de Vila Verde.

Central/Southern Portugal: A1 (Porto)/A29 (V.N. Gaia) » A41 CREP » A4 (Vila Real) » A11 (Felgueiras) » Caíde » N15 Lixa » Rota do Românico/Igreja de Vila Verde.

Felgueiras: N101 Lixa » N15 Penafiel » Rota do Românico/Igreja de Vila Verde.

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