Tâmega Valley and Route of the Romanesque - Rota do Românico

Set off to discover the Route of the Romanesque. Make your reservation and enjoy this excellent opportunity. Trips departing from Lisbon and Coimbra.

Lisboa / Braga / Chaves

Chaves / Amarante / Penafiel / Paredes


Monastery of Saint Peter of Cête


Penafiel Park Hotel


Lousada / Amarante / Felgueiras / Lisboa

The Interpretation Centre of the Romanesque


Monastery of the Saviour of Travanca


Monastery of Saint Mary of Pombeiro


Price per person in double room: 288€
Supplement single room: 61€
(VAT included)
Hotel Forte San Francisco ****
Penafiel Park Hotel & Spa ****
Transportation by coach and tour guide
Bed and breakfast in planned or similar hotels
3 lunches with water and wine (days 1, 2 and 3) and 2 dinners with water and wine (days 1 and 2)
Visit to the monuments of the Route of the Romanesque by an interpreter of the patrimony
Travel insurance.

See the program here

Informações e Reservas:

Rota do Românico

T +351 918 116 488



T +351 218 486 116

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