Romantic Romanesque - Rota do Românico

We invite you to discover the Romanesque of Tâmega and Sousa with your better half... Discover fascinating places, where each corner nurtures the love and romance of an unforgettable weekend!

Check-in at Casa Valxisto


Dinner at Wine Bar - Casa da Víúva


Church of the Saviour of Cabeça Santa


Picnic at Luzim river beach


Quinta da Aveleda


Dinner at Casa Valxisto

Breakfast and check-out

Amarante Historical Centre


Lunch at restaurant Pobre Tolo


End of program

Price for 2 people: 350€
(VAT included)
Price includes: Visit to the monuments accompanied by a qualified heritage expert, personal accidents insurance for the participants, visit to Quinta da Aveleda with tasting, 2 nights of accommodation with breakfast, 1 picnic, 1 dinner. If you don't want to worry about driving and finding out how to get to each monument, we give you the option of having a car and a heritage expert to drive you during the whole second day circuit. This will allow you to enjoy the landscape in a more relaxed way and interact more with the expert, who will surely provide you with a more detailed explanation about the region.
Additional price: 120€. Dates: All year.

Informações e Reservas:

Rota do Românico

T +351 918 116 488

Oficina da Natureza

T +351 936 077 462
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