Pascoaes: "Existing isn't thinking, it's being remembered" - Rota do Românico

A journey to the life and work of the renowned writer Teixeira de Pascoaes (1877-1952), including a visit to the House of Pascoaes, the Church of Gatão, the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Museum and the S. Gonçalo Café Bar, in Amarante. "Mentor of nostalgia, Teixeira de Pascoaes found in longing the possibility to resuscitate his homeland and give it a noble destiny".


dia 1

House of Pascoaes


Church of Saint John the Baptist of Gatão


Lunch at restaurant Pobre Tolo


Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Museum


Café Bar S. Gonçalo


This was one of Pascoaes' favorite places for writing. An assiduous customer, so that employees already knew when to speak to him or not. "When he came into the cafe with his beret on his head, they already knew he was in bad shape and he did not want them talking to him."

End of program

Price per person: 49€
VAT included
Children up to 10 years: 50% discount.
The price includes guided tours to the locations in the program, regional lunch and personal accidents insurance. Transport not included. Minimum/maximum number of participants: 4-20.

Informações e Reservas:

Rota do Românico

T +351 918 116 488

Sentir Património

T +351 968 955 236
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